17 results related to "*"
With just a few simple steps, your organization can start collecting donations with electronic bank transfers. Below are some resources to help you get the necessary information from donors, and we have provided sample scripts and social media posts to …
This tool, modeled after the popular ACH Quick Reference Cards for Financial Institutions , is specifically designed for corporate ACH users. This four-card reference set gives Originators fingertip access to critical information for the correct handling …
These cards are durable for your desktop and right at your fingertips to get all the critical information for handling government exceptions. These detailed cards are a must for every financial institution. Newly updated, these handy cards contain the …
Access to the Rules & Guidelines helps to identify new opportunities to leverage the ACH Network to meet customer’s needs, while maintaining a clear understanding of network requirements. The Rules include the legal framework for the ACH Network, and the …
BUY NOW AND SAVE 40% Access to the Rules & Guidelines helps to identify new opportunities to leverage the ACH Network to meet customer’s needs, while maintaining a clear understanding of network requirements. The Rules include the legal framework for the …
Access to the Rules & Guidelines helps to identify new opportunities to leverage the ACH Network to meet customer’s needs, while maintaining a clear understanding of network requirements. The Rules include the legal framework for the ACH Network, and the …
Maintaining ACH Network Quality By requiring participants to comply with the Nacha Operating Rules and Guidelines , Nacha maintains a high-quality, secure ACH Network. It's essential that non-compliance issues be resolved fairly and efficiently to provide …
This edition of the ACH Compliance Manual is essential for AAP and APRP exam candidates and those prepping for ACH audits or regulatory examinations. An essential tool to ensure compliance with the Nacha Operating Rules & Guidelines, the 11th edition …
The refreshed 4th Edition contains new statistic and evaluates the impact of the UCC 4A on security procedures, bank/corporate agreements, recommended contractual provisions, errors, unauthorized entries and more. Includes Article 4A (law unchanged) with …