Members use project teams to collaborate and influence existing and emerging payment trends, drive change, remove barriers and support innovation. Deliverables from Alliance initiatives include creating resources and tools, developing best practices and testing proof of concepts – ultimately shaping the future of payments.

The Alliance welcomes new project team members and the collaboration of ideas. To join a project team, you must be an Alliance member in good standing and be able to participate consistently during scheduled meetings. Project teams typically meet monthly via conference call and in-person at the winter and fall Alliance meetings. Continue scrolling down to learn more about each of our active initiatives and contact us to join a team.

Former Project Teams and Resources

ACH Quick Start Tool Project Team

Completed Work in 2022

This team developed two interactive tools to help small and medium-sized businesses more readily understand how they can use ACH to make and receive payments for a variety of use cases. The ACH Quick Start Tool, an interactive online resource, helps businesses with B2B and B2C payments. After completing this work and providing recommendations for a Non Profit Quick Start Tool the team disbanded in 2022.

Visit the ACH Quick Start Tool

Conversational Payments Project Team

Completed Work in 2022

The Conversational Payments team addressed the emerging channel where consumers use voice assistants, smart speakers and other devices and technology to conduct banking or make payments. The team published a series of white papers on the topic.

Explore our voice payments resources