November 11, 2019

The IFX Standard


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What is IFX?

The IFX standard is a content-rich, well-designed Business Message Specification (BMS), built by financial industry and technology leaders with decades of combined experience. These experts have painstakingly defined, modeled and incorporated real-life use cases to produce relevant and useful business data objects. The result is a consistent framework incorporating best-of-breed design principles and a common object model with carefully defined data definitions.



The IFX standard uses a service-oriented architecture (SOA) framework for interactions between businesses and applications. The framework exposes obvious design patterns, standard abbreviations and common message handling techniques that make it easy to work with in any business or technical setting. New capabilities can easily be incorporated that are immediately compatible with those previously defined.

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Content Domains

The IFX standard covers a broad range of business and technical domains necessary to bank operations. Content is initially developed by dedicated working groups with interest and subject matter expertise in certain capabilities.


BMS Access

The BMS is available to download in a pdf format.

Access the Standard


Version History

IFX introduced Version 2 of the specification in 2008-2009. Version 2 is the “go-forward” architecture for the IFX standard. We're committed to maintaining backwards compatibility so that implementations are reliable even as new capabilities are added.

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