Consumer Payments

Consumers are increasingly turning to ACH to make a wide range of bill payments. Whether consumers know it as ACH, EFT, or electronic bank transfer, it’s safe, reliable and easy.
ACH Network

Consumer ACH payments include recurring expenses—mortgages, loan payments and utilities, for example—where consumers can authorize a monthly payment and not worry about mailing checks and instead to “just set it and forget it.” Consumers are also finding ACH is convenient for other uses, such as donating to charity. It’s also easy to make one-time payments, such as a paying a friend for dinner, or paying a credit card you use occasionally.

More and more bills are paid with ACH.

This category also includes all consumer purchases and account-to-account transfers, including internet payments—the fastest growing payment channel among consumers.

2024 Details

YoY Growth:
Payments: 13.5% Dollars:16.3%

Total Payments:
16.38 billion

Payments By Type:
Phone: 798.79 million
Prearranged: 4.74 billion
Customer Initiated: 94.94 million
Internet: 10.75 billion

Total Dollars Transferred:
$10.96 trillion