10 results related to "*"
… Direct Deposit is the fast and reliable way American workers get paid by putting consumers in control of their finances. In addition to payroll, Direct Deposits are also used in many other ways, including: Tax or other refunds Payments by payment apps …
The IFX standard uses a service-oriented architecture (SOA) framework for interactions between businesses and applications. The framework exposes obvious design patterns, standard abbreviations and common message handling techniques that make it easy to …
Version 2.x Version 2 is an architecturally improved version of the IFX Business Message Specification (BMS), including refined adaptation to SOA, a consistently applied object model and important new content IFX Version 2 continues the Forum’s …
Founded in 1989, Lyons Commercial Data, a division of Autoscribe Corporation, is a premier provider of quality U.S. financial institution data including bank routing numbers and other information critical to transaction processing. Lyons Commercial Data …
Everyone has a reason for obtaining their AAP, APRP or both. Some want the fame, the fortune and the glory. Others simply want those sought-after letters on their signature. Whatever your reason is, we're glad you're here. Meet a few of our accredited …
Diagram This diagram shows the basic container hierarchy of every object in the IFX Standard. The data attributes commonly associated with an object are found mostly in the xxxInfo segment and the current state of the object is found in the xxxStatus …
Payments-related regulatory guidance helps to ensure the security and efficient exchange of ACH transactions and other electronic payments. Regulatory bodies such as FinCEN, FFIEC, FDIC, OCC and others issue and update guidance regularly, and it is …
With just a few simple steps, your organization can start collecting donations with electronic bank transfers. Below are some resources to help you get the necessary information from donors, and we have provided sample scripts and social media posts to …
With just a few simple steps, your organization can start collecting donations with electronic bank transfers. Below are some resources to help you get the necessary information from donors, and we have provided sample scripts and social media posts to …