Risk Management Resources
The safety of the ACH Network for all participants is key. Nacha has numerous risk management resources available including fraud prevention and Nacha Rules compliance. You can filter the information by both resource type and audience.
Risk Management Resources

Fraud Prevention
Elder Financial Abuse Prevention Checklist for Financial Institutions
FI checklist for their customers to prevent elder abuse.
June 8, 2023

Fraud Prevention
You Could Be a Money Mule!
Resource to educate customers about money mules.
February 26, 2024

Fraud Prevention
Elder Financial Abuse Awareness Infographic
Loss prevention guidance for vulnerable elderly account holders.
June 1, 2023

Fraud Prevention
The Fraudsters are Hard at Work. How Hard are You Fighting Back?
Bad guys don’t care how they get paid when it comes to certain frauds.
April 24, 2023