16 results related to "*"
With just a few simple steps, your organization can start collecting donations with electronic bank transfers. Below are some resources to help you get the necessary information from donors, and we have provided sample scripts and social media posts to …
With just a few simple steps, your organization can start collecting donations with electronic bank transfers. Below are some resources to help you get the necessary information from donors, and we have provided sample scripts and social media posts to …
Payments-related regulatory guidance helps to ensure the security and efficient exchange of ACH transactions and other electronic payments. Regulatory bodies such as FinCEN, FFIEC, FDIC, OCC and others issue and update guidance regularly, and it is …
To access presentations from this meeting, please visit the Member Resource Center. Be sure you are logged in. If you are not a member and would like more information about our meetings or membership, please contact [email protected] MEETING SPONSORS …
Alliance members and guests will meet October 11-13 for our fall member meeting! More details will be provided soon. MEETING DETAILS Registration Registration will open in early June 2023 Hotel Accommodations The Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City 1250 S Hayes …
Diagram This diagram shows the basic container hierarchy of every object in the IFX Standard. The data attributes commonly associated with an object are found mostly in the xxxInfo segment and the current state of the object is found in the xxxStatus …
Some of the best Third-Party Senders have become Nacha Certified. What was involved? How long did it take? Was it worthwhile? Read our case studies. ACI Payments, Inc. provides bill payment services for more than 3,700 billers in the U.S. Learn why they …
Now that you are an AAP, it is important to maintain your credential with continuing education. Below is information on how to maintain your AAP designation, including earning and filing continuing education credits (CEC). When to File The AAP …
Now that you are an APRP, it is important to maintain your credential with continuing education. Below is information on how to maintain your ARPR designation, including earning and filing continuing education credits (CEC). When to File The APRP …