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Any professional in the payments industry can work toward accreditation. If you have worked in ACH for years, you will add a highly respected qualification to your resume. If you are relatively new to the field, you will give yourself an edge over the …
APRPs have mastered the complexities of risk management for ACH, check, wire, debit, credit and prepaid cards, and emerging and alternative payments. … The annual test window for the APRP exam begins in August. Check out the latest information on …
If you are like the rest of us, both your home and professional lives may have experienced some jolts due to the ongoing pandemic. And the payments industry has not been immune either. As business conditions continue to change, now is the perfect time for …
HERNDON, Va., May 28, 2020 – The ACH Network is woven into the daily payment activity of American consumers, businesses and government, says a Mercator Advisory Group white paper published today titled, “The Expanding Role of ACH in the Era of Faster …
Despite Concerns Over Mail Delivery, Overwhelming Majority of Federal Government Payments Continue to be Made On Time
More than 97% of Recipients of Social Security and Veterans Benefits Rely on Direct Deposit HERNDON, Va., August 19 , 2020 – In recent days, significant concerns have been raised over the delivery of payments from the Social Security Administration and …
The Payments Innovation Alliance, along with Nacha and the Payments Associations, are on track to launch the first Faster Payments Professional Certificate in 2022. The FPP will allow payments professionals to demonstrate proficiency in the field of …
HERNDON, Virginia, May 31, 2022 – Nacha announced today the addition of Evolve Bank & Trust as a Nacha Direct Financial Institution Member. Nacha now has 44 Direct Members , consisting of financial institutions and Payments Associations (PAs) that …
Mercator Advisory Group recently held a webinar to further discuss the findings of its new white paper titled “The Expanding Role of ACH in the Era of Faster Payments.” Michael Herd, Nacha’s Senior Vice President of ACH Network Administration, and Sarah …
NASHVILLE, Tennessee —Could FedNow pave the way for more ACH settlement windows? A major stumbling block to expanding ACH hours is that the Federal Reserve’s National Settlement Service (NSS) for interbank settlement closes at the end of the business day …