10 results related to "*"
MEETING AND REGISTRATION DETAILS Alliance members and guests will meet virtually for our winter member meeting! Our Advisory Committees are busy developing an incredible agenda for you. Below is the registration link and the preliminary schedule. Please …
The Payments Innovation Alliance encourages industry dialogue and collaboration among members to help advance domestic and global payments. As an inclusive voice for the payments industry and the ACH Network, the growing membership body consists of …
Alliance members and guests will meet October 11-13 for our fall member meeting! More details will be provided soon. MEETING DETAILS Registration Registration will open in early June 2023 Hotel Accommodations The Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City 1250 S Hayes …
To access presentations from this meeting, please visit the Member Resource Center. Be sure you are logged in. If you are not a member and would like more information about our meetings or membership, please contact [email protected] MEETING SPONSORS …
Founded in 1989, Lyons Commercial Data, a division of Autoscribe Corporation, is a premier provider of quality U.S. financial institution data including bank routing numbers and other information critical to transaction processing. Lyons Commercial Data …
Any professional in the payments industry can work towards accreditation. If you have worked in ACH for years, you will add a highly respected qualification to your resume; if you are relatively new to the field, you will give yourself an edge over the …
Accredited Payments Risk Professionals (APRP) have mastered the complexities of risk management for ACH, check, wire, debit, credit and prepaid cards, and emerging and alternative payments. Any professional in the payments industry can work toward …
Healthcare EFT Resources & Volume Statistics ACH Can Help Medical Practices American consumers and businesses make tens of billions of payments directly from their bank accounts each year using ACH. Many medical offices operate on tight budgets, and …
Your electronic flashcard subscription provides you with six-months of full access to your study tool (from the date you redeem your code) from any computer or mobile device. You can now access one of our most popular study aids virtually, making it …