17 results related to "*"
Below calls attention to one specific fraud, however, additional threats are others outlined on the page: Current Fraud Threats What is Account Takeover? Account takeover is a type of cybercrime or identity theft where a malicious third party gains access …
The Payments Innovation Alliance encourages industry dialogue and collaboration among members to help advance domestic and global payments. As an inclusive voice for the payments industry and the ACH Network, the growing membership body consists of …
MEETING AND REGISTRATION DETAILS Alliance members and guests will meet virtually for our winter member meeting! Our Advisory Committees are busy developing an incredible agenda for you. Below is the registration link and the preliminary schedule. Please …
Below calls attention to one specific fraud, however, additional threats are others outlined on the page: Current Fraud Threats What is Business Email Compromise? Business email compromise (BEC) attacks are a form of cybercrime that uses email fraud to …
Below calls attention to one specific fraud, however, additional threats are others outlined on the page: Current Fraud Threats What Are Coronavirus Scams? COVID-19 scams are frauds that primarily rely on the existence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Resources …
The IFX standard uses a service-oriented architecture (SOA) framework for interactions between businesses and applications. The framework exposes obvious design patterns, standard abbreviations and common message handling techniques that make it easy to …
Version 2.x Version 2 is an architecturally improved version of the IFX Business Message Specification (BMS), including refined adaptation to SOA, a consistently applied object model and important new content IFX Version 2 continues the Forum’s …
Founded in 1989, Lyons Commercial Data, a division of Autoscribe Corporation, is a premier provider of quality U.S. financial institution data including bank routing numbers and other information critical to transaction processing. Lyons Commercial Data …
Below calls attention to one specific fraud, however, additional threats are others outlined on the page: Current Fraud Threats What is a Money Mule? A money mule is someone who transfers or moves illegally acquired money on behalf of someone else. …