1320 results related to "*"
The IFX Specification addresses a broad array of business capabilities necessary to enable banking data exchanges. On this page we describe the standard from the point of view of business capability. Be sure to look at the Standard Framework page, which …
Service Providers (SPs) may partner with other Service Providers to fulfill the necessary steps to satisfy a client request. Each SP can simply forward messages received from clients to other service providers to act on. This capability to delegate …
IFX messages are consistently available to all IFX objects. In addition to ordinary CRUD-like operations, the messages include additional operations such as Audit and Sync, which support reliable stateless operation. All message responses include Status …
The ASIG sandbox is an isolated test environment where you can try out the standardized APIs. Below are instructions on how to make your first API call within this sandbox, or an API REST tool like Postman (see below). A sample set of data is available …
The payments industry and financial services are anything but stagnant. Nacha offers programs and services to spark innovation to enhance and improve …
We’re sorry – you’ve arrived at a broken link or the requested page cannot be found. To find what you are looking for, please use the search bar and navigation menu above, or visit the following links below: Learn about our upcoming events. Find …