November 12, 2019

International Payments

Nacha Consulting

Nacha Consulting AML? KYC? OFAC? That’s a lot of letters. But if you want to use the ACH Network in the United States you’ll need to know what they mean. And that’s just the beginning. Nacha Consulting has worked extensively with international clients to familiarize them with the U.S. payments system, the Nacha Operating Rules and applicable U.S. laws. You’ll come away with a solid understanding of what you need to know to leverage the ACH Network with your U.S. financial institution partners.

And if your U.S.-based business is looking to expand into the international payments sphere, our team has the expertise to help with that. Let us help you identify and manage risk, and implement the proper controls to deliver a robust international payments business.


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Additional capabilities: Payments Strategy | ACH Advisory and Assessment | Customized Payments Training | Rule Writing