Same Day ACH Dollar Limit Increases Today to $100,000

HERNDON, Va., March 20, 2020 – A major enhancement to Same Day ACH begins today, as the dollar limit per payment quadruples to $100,000.
“This is one of the most requested changes Nacha has been asked for since Same Day ACH debuted,” said Nacha President and CEO Jane Larimer. “With the new $100,000 limit, we expect Same Day ACH will be even more useful to businesses and consumers.”
Among the many uses of Same Day ACH, business-to-business (B2B) payments are expected to reap some of the biggest benefits. Nacha estimates 97% of all ACH B2B payments are now eligible for Same Day ACH, compared to 91% under the previous $25,000 per payment limit.
Other common uses for Same Day ACH include Direct Deposit payments for insurance claims and disaster assistance.
The higher dollar limit arrives as Same Day ACH volume continues to grow. In 2019 there were 250.4 million Same Day ACH payments moving $247 billion. Those are increases of 41% and 55%, respectively, over 2018.
The next enhancement to Same Day ACH arrives March 19, 2021, with the extension of the Same Day ACH operating hours.
“We are continuing to innovate to make Same Day ACH an even more important part of the modern ACH Network,” said Larimer.