June 06, 2022

TPI: For Payments Pros from Newbies to Veterans


Michael W. Kahn

Michael W. Kahn


TPI On Campus group conference room_2

Even if you’ve been in payments for decades, no one in the industry can know it all. 

“There’s always something new to learn,” said Mary Gilmeister, AAP, NCP, President and CEO of Macha. She’s also the 2022 Dean of the Payments Institute (TPI). This year will mark her 28th TPI and she’s as eager to attend as ever. 

“Education is critical,” said Gilmeister. Among the new topics this year: digital currency, new risk, and new payment platforms.

“The classes are constantly being updated,” said Gilmeister, noting that TPI is as appropriate for folks new to ACH Network operations as it is for seasoned pros, as well as for all AAPs and APRPs.

“When I first went there was not the level of courses that there are today. It’s amazing how many levels we have: the basics, the legal group, risk, new payment systems. I think it’s important for everybody to continue with their education.”

The TPI learning doesn’t stop when school lets out—not if you play your (business) cards right.

“I always tell people you should collect as many business cards as you can, because after TPI, if something comes up, you have a contact to reach out to,” said Gilmeister. She’s a firm believer in the importance of networking, calling it “one of the great benefits” of attending TPI.

“You never know when you’ll have a situation at your financial institution or business, and you need some contacts to ask, ‘How did you handle this?’” said Gilmeister, who speaks from experience. 

“I’ve saved our members quite a few dollars—$15,000, $99,000—just because I knew which of my TPI contacts to call.”

Whether you attend TPI On Campus in Alexandria, Virginia, June 26-29, or TPI Home School Sept. 12-14, Gilmeister said to expect “outstanding” speakers who you can touch base with long after TPI is over. 

“The quality of TPI has been growing over the years,” she said. “There’s just so much going on in the payments industry, and having the knowledge level that’s there is extremely beneficial.”

Learn more about both TPI On Campus and TPI Home School, as well as register, on our website.