TPI Home School Wednesday Agenda
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
The Breakfast Club
It’s almost the last day of school! You’ve made new contacts and have been telling your friends and family, “Everybody loves me so much at this school.” You’ve determined you aren’t the only payments geek out there as you’ve realized we’re all a little bizarre, some of us are just better at hiding it. But the learning isn’t over yet. Get your protein-filled breakfast, "Excuse me, Rich. Will milk be made available to us?" Put on your required uniform, "You wear tights? No, I wear the required uniform." And enjoy the company of your classmates before we hit the books.
10:30 AM-11:30 AM
New! Central Bank Digital Currencies
Advanced Course
Many countries are now considering the adoption of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Why? For reasons ranging from the need to reach the unbanked or underbanked to the desire to offer transparency in standards. This advanced course features a panel of representatives from countries moving in this direction. Students will develop an understanding of the concept of CBDC and what the future may hold for those moving towards implementation.
Craig Borysowich, Principal Technology Architect - Integration Technologies, APIs and Standards, Payments Canada
Adam Shapiro, Partner & Co-founder, Klaros Group
Peter Tapling, APRP, Managing Director, PTap Advisory, LLC
John Velissarios, Global Managing Director - Blockchain & Multiparty Systems - Digital Assets, Custody & CBDC Lead
Enterprise Risk Management
APRP Prep School of Study| Payments Risk & Compliance School of Study
The ability to understand, control and articulate risk levels in pursuit of business strategies and accountability for risks taken resonates with stakeholders when it comes to expressing confidence in an organization. This introductory level course exposes students to the basics of enterprise risk management from a FI perspective. ERM topics covered include identifying, reporting and controlling risks, and the progress being made in the financial world when it comes to ERM.
Elizabeth A. Cronenweth, AAP, CTP, Treasury Management Risk Consultant, TriState Capital Bank
Jen Wasmund, AAP, CTP, NCP, Senior Manager, Enterprise Payments Risk Management, Capital One
New! Payments Strategy: A Vision of Your Future
General Payments Systems School of Study
Being strategic about payments means shifting from a reactive to a proactive stance, which can be challenging in an environment of rapid technological change. As “faster” becomes “real-time,” a well-developed payments strategy is critical to the success of your institution and your customers. Faculty in this course help students to ensure the most critical components are included in an organization's payment strategy.
Lisa Coffey, Chief Innovation Officer, Corporate America Credit Union
Pam Rodriguez, Senior Vice President, Member Services, Southern Financial Exchange
Wires: Functionality & Risk Study
APRP Prep School of Study | General Payments Systems School of Study
This course introduces students to the primary wire transfer systems in the U.S.: the Federal Reserve Bank’s Fedwire Funds Transfer System and The Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS). Topics discussed include the role wire systems play in high-value, urgent payments, and how these systems interplay with other Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) systems and the SWIFT international financial messaging network. Students gain an understanding of the key attributes, capabilities, uses and developments in wire transfers, including the possible impact of faster payments mechanisms to this legacy system. Risk mitigation and detection methods are also reviewed.
Stephen Wojciechowicz, AAP, CTP, Treasury Services, Product Management, Direct Clearing, USD Clearing , BNY Mellon
11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Noontime Knowledge - Lunch Break
Need a break from payments education? Grab your lunch and join us for this relaxing chat scheduled 11:45 PM-12:15 PM. Activities to be announced.
12:30 PM-1:30 PM
New! ACH Exception Handling & Error Resolution
APRP Prep School of Study | Payments Risk & Compliance School of Study
This course helps students understand and address key exception situations faced by financial institutions and their customers. Students discover what constitutes an exception and explore possible causes of and resolutions for common issues. Instructors also explore the Rules violation process and engage with students in discussion on how the ACH Contact Registry can be an effective tool in managing communication between FIs.
Faculty TBD
Checks: Functionality & Risk Study
APRP Prep School of Study | General Payments Systems School of Study
Although the use of electronic payments is ascending, the use of checks – whether paper or image – continues to exist. This course explores different types of negotiable instruments and the products and systems that support them, such as remote deposit capture, e-checks, e-lockboxes and other mobile options, and corporate availability for those organizations to keep up with these advancements. Students gain an understanding of the key attributes, life cycles, capabilities, uses and developments in checks and images, including the possible impact of faster payments mechanisms to this legacy system. Risk mitigation and detection methods are also reviewed.
Michele Barlow, AAP, NCP, Vice President, Macha Everything Payments – Everywhere
Putting FFIEC Guidance into Practice
APRP Prep School of Study | Payments Risk & Compliance School of Study
Policies and procedures are key components of a risk strategy. However, your policies cannot be effective unless your procedures back them up. Additionally, you cannot write appropriate policies without understanding your risk appetite. Instructors in this course examine how concepts for policies and procedures go hand-in-hand, including some real-life examples from an auditor. Tips on how to make your policies and procedures more effective will also be shared.
Jessica Perkins, Third Party Risk Manager, Central Payments, a division of Central Bank of Kansas City
New! Third Parties Best Practices for Audit & Risk Assessments
APRP Prep School of Study| Payments Risk & Compliance School of Study
Audit and risk assessment requirements for FIs are broadly understood, but there is still some uncertainty about assessments pertaining to third-party participants. This class takes students on the full journey of audit and risk assessment requirements for non-FIs.
Debbie Arai, President & CEO, Optim Audit Solutions, LLC
Pam Rodriguez, Senior Vice President, Member Services, Southern Financial Exchange
1:45 PM-3:00 PM
ACH File Formats
AAP Prep School of Study | General Payments Systems School of Study
ACH Origination begins with a properly formatted file. This course focuses on the intricacies of ACH Record Formats. Instructors take students on a comprehensive and detailed tour of the 94 characters that comprise an ACH entry. Students also review Addenda Records, proper formatting, and examine field purposes, specific field values, and commonly experienced problems. The instructor provides tips for optimizing ACH Network participation with a command of the bits and bytes of ACH.
Joseph Casali, AAP, NCP, Senior Vice President, NEACH
New! Payments Regulations from a Business Perspective
General Payments Systems School of Study
Numerous rules and regulations beyond Regulation E and Regulation CC apply to the banking and payments industry, most of which address consumer rights and protections. For businesses making and receiving payments, there is always the question of which regulations apply to their transactions, as well as what protections are provided to non-FIs or consumers. This course examines how the explosion of online commerce impacts businesses, and the consequences of not fully understanding the rules, rights and regulations that apply.
Ruth Harpool, AAP, APRP, Consultant
Strategies for Selecting & Onboarding Third Parties
APRP Prep School of Study | Payments Risk & Compliance School of Study
Third-party providers offer organizations many options to assist with day-to-day operations. Selecting to use a third party and determining which of an organization's processes could be assumed by a vendor are considerations that must be taken into account. This course examines the steps to be taken to select a third party and how to ensure the partnership works for everyone. Students leave this course with a detailed checklist of items to consider when vetting a third party.
Jessica Perkins, Third Party Risk Manager, Central Payments, a division of Central Bank of Kansas City
The Impact of Fintech on the Traditional Payments Participant
Advanced Course
You may not have yet encountered the effects of a major fintech innovation in your everyday life at your financial institution – or have you? Fintechs are constantly at work trying to change or introduce new methodologies relative to how FIs function and do business. It is important to know what is going on in the fintech space and understand exactly how you and your organization may be impacted now and in the future.
Avery Miller, MBA, Issuer Strategy and Partnership Development, Braintree Payments
3:15 PM-4:15 PM
New! Politics of Payments
Lecture Hall
Both the enactment of financial services legislation and deregulation often have implications long beyond the initial changes. Understanding the impetus of legislation and/or regulation is key to protecting your organization, while still fostering innovation. This course explains many of the recent and pending area of legislative focus in Washington, and the potential ramifications, such as the impacts of fintech requirements.
William D. Sullivan, Senior Director & Group Manager, Government & Industry Relations, Nacha