February 04, 2025

ACH Healthcare Claim Payments Rise Again in 2024, Continuing 11 Year Climb

the words health care with a doctor's picture

It’s a figure that takes a moment to wrap your head around: a 2,556% increase. But that’s just how much healthcare claim payment volume on the ACH Network climbed from 2013 to 2024.

New ACH Network figures show there were 510 million ACH claim payments from insurers to healthcare providers last year. That’s a 4.6% increase from 2023. 

The 2,556% jump is in the 11 years since Nacha began keeping healthcare statistics (see graphic below). “That was back in the days when it was commonplace for insurers to mail paper checks to healthcare providers,” said Brad Smith, Nacha Senior Director, Industry Engagement and Advocacy. 

“With check fraud at unprecedented levels in recent years, providers should steer clear of check payments,” said Smith. “Healthcare claim volume on the ACH Network has increased every year since 2013. Whether you know it as ACH or EFT, it’s safe, quick, and low cost—all the things that checks aren’t.”

For any healthcare office feeling pressured into accepting virtual credit cards (VCCs)—and their accompanying fees—for claims, Smith noted that under HIPAA, insurance companies must make payments by ACH at a provider’s request. 

Later in February, the new 2024 CAQH Index Report is expected to be released. The CAQH Index is the industry source for tracking health plan and provider adoption of fully electronic administrative transactions—including claim payments—and the opportunity for future savings.

Dental and medical practices can learn more about the benefits of EFT claim payments, and read success stories, here on Nacha.org.

chart showing ach healthcare volume 2013 through 2024