Make Sure You’re Ready for Three New Nacha Rules

With one new Nacha Rule just taking effect last month and two others right behind in September, Nacha has a wealth of new and refreshed materials to help you along.
On June 30, Phase Two of Supplementing Data Security Requirements took effect, expanding the coverage of the requirement that ACH Originators and Third-Party Senders render account information unreadable when stored electronically. It already applies to organizations originating at least 6 million ACH payments annually. Phase Two extends coverage to organizations originating at least 2 million ACH payments a year.
On the Supplementing Data Security Requirements page you’ll find complete details and an updated video to help explain the Rule. Additionally, an updated End-User Briefing is available on Nacha’s ACH Rules Resources for Corporates page or go express to the PDF.
The new Rule defining and standardizing practices and formatting of Micro-Entries is effective Sept. 16. This rule standardizes the description and other origination practices for ACH test transactions used to validate account. You’ll find complete details as well as a downloadable one-page PDF overview on the Micro-Entries Rule page.
Just 14 days later, on Sept. 30, a new Rule clarifying the roles and responsibilities of Third-Party Senders in the ACH Network takes effect. This Rule:
- Defines the existing practice of a Nested Third-Party Sender.
- Requires ODFIs that have Third-Party Sender customers to denote in Nacha’s Risk Management Portal whether the third-party permits Nested Third-Party Senders.
- Clarifies that all Third-Party Senders are required to conduct a risk assessment.
The Third-Party Sender Roles and Responsibilities Rule page has full details and a one-page overview PDF.