What’s the Buzz About Pay by Bank? Listen to the latest Payments Innovation Alliance Buzzcast!

The payments industry is buzzing about pay-by-bank. What is it? What are the new use cases? What will it mean for consumers? Three industry veterans take a look at those and other pay-by-bank questions in the newest Buzzcast from Nacha's Payments Innovation Alliance. Learn more about its benefits and the strategies needed to mitigate fraud risks from Chase's Meagan Sibbald, Ginny Chappell, and Matthew Friend. This Buzzcast is also available in a video format at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npvoPQOexvA&t=218s.
Is there a hot payments topic you’d like to cover in an upcoming Buzzcast? Does your company have a new industry resource or tool you’d like to feature? Let us know at [email protected].