Tag: Faster Payments
Contrary to what you might think, there are no Yankees-Red Sox type rivalries among the nation’s payment systems. Quite the opposite, actually.
Now that you are an AFPP, it is important to maintain your credential with continuing education. Below is information on maintaining your AFPP designation, including earning and filing continuing education credits (CEC).
There’s a lot going on in the payments industry, making it important to get out in front of lawmakers and their staffs to help bring them up to speed. That’s why Nacha holds its annual Hill Day to help educate Congress on the importance of ACH payments to their constituents.
It’s called “Smarter Faster Payments 2023” for a reason, and this year you’re going to see an emphasis on faster.
The payments field is never stagnant, so there’s no reason why payments education should be. The 2023 TPI On Campus, July 16-19, is moving with the times. Just ask the dean.
ACH, wires and cards are words we associate with payments. But metaverse, Web3 and NFTs?