ACH Network Volume Increases in Fourth Quarter as Same Day ACH Value Soars 87.5%

The ACH Network continued growing in the final quarter of 2022. Payment volume totaled 7.6 billion, up 2.3% from the fourth quarter of 2021. The value of those payments, $19.4 trillion, is a 3% rise.
Use of Same Day ACH remained solid following the March 2022 increase in the per payment maximum to $1 million. In the fourth quarter, $503.3 billion in same-day payments moved safely and swiftly along the modern ACH Network, an 87.5% increase from a year earlier. Volume was 181.6 million same-day payments, up 7.3%.
ACH business-to-business (B2B) payments rose 8.5% to 1.5 billion payments. “B2B is keeping the growth momentum going that began even before the COVID lockdowns,” said Michael Herd, Nacha Senior Vice President, ACH Network Administration. “B2B payments are a major success story for the ACH Network.”
Nacha will issue full 2022 ACH Network volume later in February.
Download the fourth quarter ACH Network infographic (opens as a PDF)